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Trust setup

A. Details of the trust

1. Name of the trust

2. Contact details

3. Number of individuals who will be the beneficiaries of the trust

4. Do you want to add company as a beneficiary as well?

4A. Whether the beneficiary company is

5. Trustee details
Every trust needs a trustee. Either the members of the trust or a company can become the trustee(s) of the trust.

B. Details of the beneficiaries

Beneficiary 1

Beneficiary 2

Beneficiary 3

Beneficiary 4

Beneficiary 5

Beneficiary company details

Proposed beneficiary company name

C. Company as a trustee

Company details

Proposed company's name

C. Details of the trustees

Trustee 1

Trustee 2

Trustee 3

Trustee 4

Trustee 5

D. Additional details of the trust